Length: 7,00 km
Start / Finish: Štrba - Kult. dom
Lowest point: 827 m a.s.l.
Highest point: 915 m a.s.l.
Total Ascent: 95 m.
Total Descent: 95 m.
track.surface: 80% asphalt, 20% gravel
track.marking: yellow and tourist marks

The route runs from the village of Štrba to Tatranská Štrba along the street Dr. Markušovského. Behind the bus stop at the cemetery, the route continues to the left along Martin Benka street to the field at the end of the village, where it turns north and 150 meters under the reservoir continues to the left side after the gravel asphalt road to the west. The road crosses the motorway and the picture of the pumping station leads through the first branch straight to the gravel road crossing, after which it continues to the left south to the extinct medieval village of Šoldov. The route is fed to the asphalt road towards Štrba and continues along the Českoslevenskej armády street until the final destination to the House of Culture in Štrba.

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