Length: 5,55 km
Start: Tatranská Štrba - Koliba Žerucha
Finihs: Štrbské Pleso, Hotel Crocus
Lowest point: 904 m a.s.l.
Highest point: 1 327 m a.s.l.
Total Ascent: 429 m.
Total Descent: 6 m.
track.surface: 10% asphalt, 90% forest path / gravel
track.marking: red marks

The route begins at the Koliba Žerucha restaurant in Tatranská Štrba and from the beginning leads along the sidewalk along road no. 538 towards Štrbské Pleso. 50 meters behind the Ingrid pension trail continues to the right onto the gravel path. The path goes northwards alongside the forest nursery garden and after 4km crosses the way of the 2nd class riad no. 538 and continues up to Štrbské Pleso, where it leads by the church on the Mory street. At the train station, the route crosses the track of the cog railway and from the left side of the building, ends at the hotel Crocus.


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